Master - Course 3: The Future of Blockchain: Challenges, Opportunities, & Introduction to Use Cases

Is designed to provide learners with a foundational background and understanding of the future of the emerging technology called Blockchain, and how the emerging technology called blockchain is being applied by showcasing real world use cases.

Course curriculum

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    Lesson 1 - Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Regulation and Intro to Use Cases

    • Introduction to Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Regulation

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 1

    • George Presents - Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Regulations

    • Reading: Blockchain Regulation

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 2

    • Reading: Why Cryptocurrency is so Difficult to Regulate

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 3

    • Lesson 1 - Writing Assignment 1

    • Introduction to Blockchain Use Cases

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 4

    • Blockchain Disruptive Use Cases

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 5

    • Reading: Blockchain Product Use Cases to follow

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 6

    • Lesson 1 - -Writing Assignment 2

    • Student Discussion forum for Lesson 1 - Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Regulation

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    Lesson 2 - Future Applications of Blockchain and Integration

    • George Presents - Future Applications of Blockchain.

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 7

    • Reading: Autonomous Vehicles and Blockchain

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 8

    • Automating freight smart contracts with IoT, AI and blockchain

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 9

    • Lesson 2 - Writing Assignment 3

    • George Presents - Routes to Blockchain Integration

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 10

    • Reading: 8 Steps to Build a Blockchain Solution

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 11

    • Reading: Advantages and Challenges to Overcome when Integrating Blockchain Technology

    • George Presents - Is using Blockchain right and steps to Implementation

    • George Presents - Blockchain and the Environment

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 12

    • Second-level Transport System

    • Lesson 2 - Writing Assignment 4

    • George Presents - Interview with Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum)

    • George Presents - Ethereum Update

    • George Presents - Sidechain Lava Network

    • Student Discussion forum for Lesson 2 - Future Applications of Blockchain and Integration

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    Lesson 3 - Introduction to Real World Blockchain Use Cases - Part 1

    • Introduction to Real World Use Cases

    • What are Blockchain Use Cases?

    • Reading : The definition of a Blockchain Use Case

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 5

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 13

    • George Presents - Why blockchain in Supply Chain

    • An example of Supply Chain on the Blockchain

    • George Presents - Tracking Tuna on the Blockchain

    • Reading: Key Questions in Supply Chain

    • George Presents - Interactive Supply chain Demo - Part 1.

    • George Presents - Interactive Supply chain Demo - Part 2

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 6

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 14

    • Reading : Why blockchain in Manufacturing

    • SyncFab - Manufacturing

    • About the Manufacturing Institute

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 7

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 15

    • Six Ways blockchain can be used in the Financial Services

    • Reading: Finance - Ripple blockchain

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    Lesson 4 - Introduction to Real World Blockchain Use Cases - Part 2

    • Why Blockchain in Healthcare

    • Using blockchain in healthcare | ZDNet

    • How Arizona Care Network uses Care.Wallet

    • Lesson 4 - Writing Assignment 8

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 16

    • How Blockchain will shape the future of the Automotive Sector

    • Daimler and LBBW successfully utilize blockchain technology

    • Lesson 4 - Writing Assignment 9

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 17

    • Why Blockchain in Cyber Security

    • Reading: Four Promising Use Cases of Blockchain In Cyber Security

    • Lesson 4 - Writing Assignment 10

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 18

    • Why Blockchain in Retail

    • Talking Blockchain in Retail

    • Blockchain Retail Revolution

    • George Presents - Real World Interview supermarket

    • Lesson 4 - Writing Assignment 11

    • George Presents - A unique way to use tokens and blockchain - Real World Interview Mike Winston - Jet Tokens

    • George Presents - Blockchain in Space

    • George Presents - LBRY Application

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    Final Exam: All Lessons

    • George Presents - Recap Key Learning - Part 1

    • George Presents - Recap Key Learning - Part 2

    • George Presents - Recap Key Learning - Part 3

    • George Presents - Recap Key Learning - Part 4

    • Knowledge Check - Final Quiz - All Lessons

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    Next steps

    • Congratulations!

    • Take the FTI exam and get credentialed as a "Global Blockchain Professional (GBP™)"

    • George Presents - Get the FTI Certificate

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    Free bonus course offer - NFT's

    • Access to the special Non-Fungible Token (NFTs) (Free Bonus Course)

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    • Blockchain Glossary

    • 50 + Blockchain Real World Use Cases with links to each case

    • Blockchain adoption by the top- 100 public companies

    • George Presents - Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

    • George Presents - Can Blockchain save reality? (Deepfakes example)