Master - Course 2: Introduction to Blockchain Platforms, Cryptocurrencies and the Digital Economy

Is designed as an Introduction to Blockchain Platforms where learners will be introduced to the specific information related to Blockchain platforms including Hyperledger, Bitcoin, and Ethereum.

Course curriculum

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    Lesson 1 - Introduction to Blockchain Platform

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    Lesson 2 - Cryptocurrencies and Cryptography

    • Introduction to Cryptocurrencies

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 7

    • Reading: MIT - Cryptocurrency

    • Lesson 2 - Writing Assignment 5

    • Reading: Cryptocurrencies: A Paradigm Shift

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 8

    • Introduction to Cryptography

    • Cryptography Explained: Public-Key vs Symmetric Cryptography

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 9

    • Reading: Hashing Basics and History

    • Lesson 2 - Writing Assignment 6

    • Reading: Cryptographic Hash Functions Explained

    • George Present - Blockchain Demo

    • Student Discussion forum for Lesson 2 - Cryptocurrencies and Cryptography

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    Lesson 3: Cryptocurrency Tokens and Smart Contracts

    • George Presents Loaded - What is Money

    • Introduction to Cryptocurrency tokens & Tokenization

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 10

    • George Presents - Coins vs Tokens

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 11

    • Reading: Guide to Crypto Token Types

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 12

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 7

    • Reading : What is the Howey Test?

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 8

    • Introductory to Smart Contracts

    • George Presents - Introduction to Ethereum and Smart Contracts

    • George Presents - Blockchain Oracles

    • Reading: 10 Challenges to the Adoption of Smart Contracts

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 13

    • Smart contracts - Simply Explained

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 14

    • Reading: Decentralized Applications

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 15

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 9

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 10

    • Student Discussion forum for Lesson 3: Cryptocurrency Tokens and Smart Contracts

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    Lesson 4: How People Interact with Cryptocurrencies & How Cryptocurrency Exchanges Support the Digital Economy

    • Introduction to How People interact with Cryptocurrencies

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 16

    • George Presents - Cryptocurrency exchanges

    • Reading: How Cryptocurrencies Can Help Developing Nations

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 17

    • Reading: 9 Barriers to Cryptocurrency adoption

    • Lesson 4 - Writing Assignment 11

    • Introduction to How Cryptocurrency Exchanges Support the Digital Economy

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 18

    • Reading: What Will Cryptocurrency Give to the Digital Economies of the Future?

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 19

    • Lesson 4 - Writing Assignment 12

    • Reading: Internet of Things, Blockchain and Shared Economy Applications

    • Lesson 4 - Writing Assignment 13

    • George Presents - Tokens and Token Economics

    • Student Discussion forum for Lesson 4: How People Interact with Cryptocurrencies and Exchanges

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    Final Exam: Blockchain Platforms

    • Knowledge Check - Final Quiz - All lessons

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    We hope you enjoyed this journey. Are you ready for more?

    • Congratulations!

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    • Blockchain Glossary